Owlcrate April 2020 | Full Moon Magic | Full Unboxing
I've been ordering Owlcrate boxes on and off since 2016, so it's been fun to see Korrina and team scale the business. If you're looking...

Stain by A.G. Howard | A YA Book Review
Stain by AG Howard 5/5 Wow. This book is unlike anything I've ever read. This is my first book by AG Howard, although I collected the...

Daughter of Smoke & Bone | A YA Book Review
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor 4 out of 5 stars Wow. I'm late to the party on this series and on Laini Taylor in general, but...

Archenemies | A YA Book Review
I think this series is just not resonating for me. Please know I've enjoyed all of Meyer's other works (except Cinder), and love The...

Superman: Dawnbreaker | A YA Book Review
Superman: Dawnbreaker, DC Icons Book 4 by Matt de la Pena 4/5 stars I read all of the DC Icons books (disappointed from the get-go with...

When the Sky Fell on Splendor | A YA Book Review
When the Sky Fell on Splendor by Emily Henry 5/5 stars This book is magical. Full disclosure, I love all of Emily Henry’s books. She’s...

The Wicked King | A YA Book Review
The Wicked King by Holly Black 3.5 out of 5 stars. I was slightly disappointed with this. I loved Cruel Prince and am a Holly Black fan...

Shelflove Reads | November 2018 Unboxing | Write Your Own Reads
Shelflove Reads November 2018 Write Your Own Reads This box was all things writer! It was also my second Shelflove Reads box. The October...

The Lantern's Ember | A YA Book Review
The Lantern’s Ember by Colleen Houck Steampunk, Halloween, and a standalone all in one book!? Sign. Me. Up. The Lantern's Ember is a fun...

Shelflove Reads Unboxing | October 2018 Falling into Reads
Shelflove Reads October 2018 Falling into Reads My first Shelflove Reads unboxing! I really loved all the cozy, fall goodies that came in...