A Million Junes by Emily Henry (A YA Book Review)
A Million Junes by Emily Henry Last summer I read a decent-sized tome called The Love That Split the World. The book was magical and...

Across the Universe (A YA Book Review)
Across the Universe by Beth Revis The short synopsis of this book is that Amy is cryogenically frozen along with her parents (one a...

Unravel Me (YA Book Review)
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi Just wow. First, I want to get the one minute thing I didn't like out of the way so I can talk about all the...

Shatter Me (A YA Book Review)
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi Wow. I'm a little late to the party, but I'd heard so many good things about this series and this first book...

Ice Like Fire (A YA Book Review)
Ice Like Fire by Sarah Raasch Ice Like Fire is the sequel to Snow Like Ashes. Overall, I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I did Snow...

Blood of Wonderland
Blood of Wonderland by Colleen Oakes I read the first 160 pages of this in one sitting. I had recently finished Queen of Hearts, and I...

Queen of Hearts (A YA Book Review)
Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes I really liked this book! It is very different from Alice in Wonderland. The general premise is there,...

The Game of Love & Death (A YA Book Review)
I had the privilege of meeting Martha Brockenbrough at the Midwest Writer's Workshop a few years ago. It's also where I purchased this...

Vassa in the Night (A YA Book Review)
Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter Vassa in the Night very loosely follows a Russian folktale called Vasilisa the Beautiful. Set in...

Heartless (A YA Book Review)
Heartless by Marissa Meyer 4.5/5 stars I loved the ideas set forth in this book. Marissa Meyer did a great job of incorporating what I...