Ingram Spark: POD Services for Indie Authors
This video is a long one at almost fifteen minutes, but it details my experience using Ingram Spark POD for the first time from upload to...
My #1 Writing Tip
This is a short video on my No. 1 writing tip, and it probably isn't what you think. I've also included a bonus tip. I hope this video...
Writers & Libraries
My 60th vlog post! Wowza! This post is all about writers and the relationship they need to build with their local libraries. If you're...
How to Find Writing Inspiration
5 tips to find writing inspiration! So-called writer's block is just a blockage to creative flow. Try one of these strategies to refocus...
Updates in Writerland February 2016
Every now and then I like to a vlog of all the crazy going-ons in my writer's life! Enjoy!