My First Experience With ARCs
As an indie author it can be difficult to get your book in front of readers. In this video I discuss my first attempt at using ARCs...

Ingram Spark: POD Services for Indie Authors
This video is a long one at almost fifteen minutes, but it details my experience using Ingram Spark POD for the first time from upload to...

My #1 Writing Tip
This is a short video on my No. 1 writing tip, and it probably isn't what you think. I've also included a bonus tip. I hope this video...

What About Landing Pages? (Tips for writers)
If you are a self-published author or an entrepreneur, then you've probably heard of landing pages. In this video, I explore two popular...
How to Find Writing Inspiration
5 tips to find writing inspiration! So-called writer's block is just a blockage to creative flow. Try one of these strategies to refocus...
3 Fears That Are Holding You Back From Your Writing Dreams
A lot of people say they dream of writing a novel. Some people achieve that dream while others don't. What separates the Haves from the...
How To Support Your Writer Friends
Have a writer friend or other creative type in your life? How can you show them your support? Here are 3 ways to support your writer...
NaNo Now What? 3 Tips For After Winning NaNoWriMo
You did it! You wrote 50,000 words in 30 days. Now that the writing frenzy is over, you may be asking yourself: What do I do now? I've...
3 Things I Learned From Attending My First Writers Conference
I spent 3 days at beautiful Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana attending my first-ever writer's conference! I laughed, I learned, I...