Archenemies | A YA Book Review
I think this series is just not resonating for me. Please know I've enjoyed all of Meyer's other works (except Cinder), and love The...

Wires and Nerve Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer
Wires and Nerve 2: Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer I actually really liked this! This is probably the first time I actually liked Iko and...

Renegades by Marissa Meyer | A YA Book Review
Renegades by Marissa Meyer So...I have conflicted feelings about this book. Really my rating falls more in the 3.5/3.75 range. First,...

Wires and Nerve (A YA Graphic Novel Review)
Wires and Nerve is a graphic novel spin-off of The Lunar Chronicles. It follows the adventures of Iko. This was a nice, fast read. It...

Heartless (A YA Book Review)
Heartless by Marissa Meyer 4.5/5 stars I loved the ideas set forth in this book. Marissa Meyer did a great job of incorporating what I...

The Lunar Chronicles Part 2: Fairest, Winter, & Stars Above (A YA Book Review)
The Lunar Chronicles Part 2: Fairest, Winter, and Stars Above By Marissa Meyer Overall series so far: 4.5/5 Stars: A fun, futuristic...

The Lunar Chronicles Part 1: Cinder, Scarlet, & Cress (A YA Book Review)
The Lunar Chronicles Part 1: Cinder, Scarlet, & Cress By Marissa Meyer Overall series so far: 4.5/5 Stars: A fun, futuristic fairy tale...