Announcing the Beginner Writer Course @ Udemy!
Over the past several months, I created an online course using Udemy. This course is for beginner writers who want to learn the elements...
Elements of Literature Series: Video 5 of 5: Resolution
The fifth video in my Elements of Literature Series. Resolution! In this video I discuss where the resolution should take place in the...
Elements of Literature Series: Video 4 of 5: Conflict
This is video 4 of 5 in my Elements of Literature Series. Conflict is the problem in the story and, quite frankly, without it you don't...
Elements of Literature Series: Video 3 of 5: Plot
This is video 3 of 5 in the Elements of Literature Series. In short plot is the sequence of events in a story, but in actuality it is so...
Elements of Literature Series: Video 2 of 5: Setting
This is the 2nd video of 5 in the Elements of Literature Series. In this video I explore setting which is composed of time and place,...
Elements of Literature Series: Video 1 of 5: Character
This video is the first in a series of five regarding the Elements of Literature. We start the series with all you need to know about...