Three Dark Crowns | A YA Book Review
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake This book was kind of confusing. Overall, I gave it 3 out of 5 stars which for me is an okay read. The...

Wizarding World Loot Crate | The Tie That Bind
This was my first Wizarding World Loot Crate (and first Loot Crate ever). The Ties That Bind was the theme for the January2018 box, which...

The Hazel Wood | A YA Book Review
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert I thought this book was going to be amazing and I was so super pumped for it. Unfortunately, it was...

Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson | A YA Book Review
Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson 4.5/5 stars I always forget how much I love mysteries! At first this book reminded me of a Westing Game...

Wires and Nerve Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer
Wires and Nerve 2: Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer I actually really liked this! This is probably the first time I actually liked Iko and...

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black | A YA Book Review
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black Just wow. Holly Black has quickly become one of my go-to authors in the last few months. This book is no...

Shelflove Crate Unboxing: January 2018 | Royal Pains
Shelflove Crate January 2018 |Royal Pains The Selection quote travel mug by @bookwormBoutique Royal Scarf by @shelflovecrate Rook Candle...

Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu | A YA Book Review
Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu I really liked this. Now full disclosure, I didn't really enjoy Warbringer because it didn't feel true to...

Wonder Woman: Warbringer | A YA Book Review
Wonder Woman: Warbringer (DC Icons 1) by Leigh Bardugo I'm not sure what to say about this so I'll keep it relatively short. I have my...

The YA Chronicles Unboxing | December 2017 | ...In Space
The YA Chronicles December 2017 …In Space… Star Wars stickers by Indiotropiostore on Etsy An Illuminae Files quote space necklace by...