Wonder Woman: Warbringer | A YA Book Review
Wonder Woman: Warbringer (DC Icons 1) by Leigh Bardugo I'm not sure what to say about this so I'll keep it relatively short. I have my...

7 Candles for 7 People on Your Gift-Giving List | The Bookish Flame
7 Candles for 7 People on Your Gift-Giving List As of 12.2.17 all of the candles featured in this video can be found at...

Whimsify Unboxing | October 2017 Underdogs
Whimsify October 2017 Underdogs Stranger Things bookmark by Sticker Adorable Jane Eyre Bath Salts by The Soap Librarian Neville candle by...

Bookish Merch: Sew Feather~Quilted Bookish Goodies
:: Today I am bringing you something new! A bookish merch unboxing! The first shop I am unboxing is Sew Feather, owned by Mom-Daughter...

Fairyloot January 2017 Unboxing & Review
This was my first Fairyloot box and it was so amazing! I only wish that I could order it more often, alas, it will have to remain a...

Siege & Storm (A YA Book Review)
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo It is so hard to give a review of this series without spoilers! So I'll just say that the action...

Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley: A YA Book Review
Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley is a YA fantasy with loose roots in sky mythology. Magonia is a sky city with sightings being recorded...