Indie Tips: Social Media
Three tips for indie authors navigating social media. Marketing is important for an indie author, so how can you market yourself and your...

My First Experience With ARCs
As an indie author it can be difficult to get your book in front of readers. In this video I discuss my first attempt at using ARCs...

What About Landing Pages? (Tips for writers)
If you are a self-published author or an entrepreneur, then you've probably heard of landing pages. In this video, I explore two popular...

What is Bublish?
Bublish is a unique marketing tool for authors. The premise is book bubbles which Bublish tweets out on an author's behalf. The book...

What Is Canva?
Have you heard of Canva already? If not you need to check it out: www.canva.com. This is a tool that every indie author needs in their...