Siege & Storm (A YA Book Review)
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo It is so hard to give a review of this series without spoilers! So I'll just say that the action...

Shadow and Bone (A YA Book Review)
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo This trilogy is turning out to be amazing. But to stay focused on the first book, Shadow and Bone...

The Infernal Devices (A YA Book Review)
I wanted to love this series and went in with high hopes. Unfortunately, for me the writing missed the mark. I can't quite place my...

Nightbird by Alice Hoffman (A MG Book Review)
Nightbird by Alice Hoffman Nightbird is a middle grade novel about friendship, love, and acceptance. Twig Fowler is not allowed to make...

My First Experience With ARCs
As an indie author it can be difficult to get your book in front of readers. In this video I discuss my first attempt at using ARCs...