The Last Star (A YA Book Review)
The Last Star by Rick Yancey The Last star is the conclusion to The Fifth Wave Trilogy. In it we are approaching the fifth wave where the...

My #1 Writing Tip
This is a short video on my No. 1 writing tip, and it probably isn't what you think. I've also included a bonus tip. I hope this video...

Between the Lines & Off the Page by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer (A Double YA Book Review)
Between the Lines & Off the Page by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer Between the Lines is about Delilah, a bit of a loner, who discovers...

Dreamology by Lucy Keating (A YA Book Review)
Dreamology is the story of Alice and Max. Ever since she can remember, Alice has dreamed of Max every night. Unfortunately, she’s in love...

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (A YA Book Review)
The Raven Boys is book 1 of The Raven Cycle, a 4-book YA series. It tells the story of Blue Sargent, a teenage girl who comes from a very...

Self-Publishing: Formatting Tips
These are my top 3 formatting tips for self-publishing, using Microsoft Word. I have found these tips across various articles and...