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Crooked Kingdom (A YA Book Review)

This book was definitely slower paced than Six of Crows. It delved even further into the backgrounds of our band of misfit thieves and thugs. A couple plot points were predictable (mainly out of this reader's hope) and I was saddened a few chapters before the end, but overall I enjoyed this book and like how Leigh Bardugo ended it. We even get to have some Grisha Trilogy cameos, and I loved that! At first, I thought it would have been good to end the book on the second to last chapter, but after reading the final chapter I see why it was added. It also leaves the story open for another book down the line (which I've read Ms. Bardugo has not ruled out, just not anytime soon). Where Six of Crows is a fast-paced, heart-stopping heist, Crooked Kingdom is more like a slow, simmering master plan. The crew experience setbacks, but it's true to Kaz's mantra: brick by brick. And that is how the story feels as if we are taking down the scoundrel merchers along with him. I really adore these characters and if Ms. Bardugo writes an additional book, I hope we don't have to wait too many years, but if we do, it will be like visiting old friends. I also would love to see both of these books turned into feature films. I think they would be marvelous and would draw in both Grisha and non-Grisha fans easily. Overall, 4/5 stars for me.

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